The Month that Was June on Sanspants+

Posted: July 18, 2024 by Joel Zammit

A lot of things are happening around here, but for now here’s a round up of all the ‘sodes that were released in June for all you beautiful members and you gorgeous soon to be members xx o.

Bad Brain Boys+

Last month’s Plumbing+ had us delve back into the world of the Sisterhood of the travelling pants, ignore all the sex pests and come up with our own rules for a pants sharing scheme in What Would Our Ten Rules Be for Sharing Our Pants If We Were the Brotherhood of the Travelling Pants?

On What If…? our journey into the great comic books of yesteryear continues with #34 What If Dazzler Had Become the Herald of Galactus? Where we spend most of the episode just calling out Galactus.

Jackson Baly Spooks America spooks your ears this month as Jackson takes the gang to Toronto, a wild frontier town, and learns about the events leading up to and after The Toronto Circus Riot of 1855. Then we head to the Emerald Isles to learn about Shergar the Horse. No spoilers but a crazy thing happens to this horse. Possibly the craziest thing that can happen to a horse.

Oh hey, the boys are back in town with new episodes of The Plumbing Boys Play/Ruin D&D with the Stygian Gambit. This time they’re on a heist to steal from a casino! And be on the look out for everyone’s new best friend: Gamblemunculous.

June saw two beautiful episodes of Eye Cramps. 2024 Releases We Watched Recently where the Eye Cramps boys decided to abandon their silly little themes to catch up on movies they’ve missed and Watchlist Watches where they jumped deep into their Letterboxd watchlist to pick a movie they’ve been meaning to watch.

Baseless Speculation+ 

Baseless Speculation+ continues with regular episodes about a day early for you handsome supporters and as a special bonus treat the team that bought you Adam Falls Out all those years ago are finally reunited for a Based Reaction on the Amazon Original Fallout TV series in BS+ #2 Fallout TV series featuring An Adam Falls Out Reunion.

Imagination Adventures+

On D&D is for Nerds we’re getting to the tail end of Season III of Barovia so hold onto your hats as the boys deal with the consequences of their actions in the Amber Temple.

No new Greyhil drops as the general public are still waiting week to week, but of course you still get to listen to Death and Dead Gods in its entirety. Anri Leafsong (Rin Vixen) and the Corn Knight (Jackson Baly) are roped in to help resurrect a dead god. The Corn Knight is along for the ride, this, obviously, having nothing to do with corn, but for Anri Leafsong the quest for resurrection hits a little closer to home.

On House Rules this month Adam and Jackson get inspired by a throwaway comment on the discord and spend an hour coming up with a diverse bunch of settings where cars are alive in Car Apocalypses! Then the boys put their heads together and try to solve the tricky problem of coming up with a new critical hit deck that both works and is funny in Critical Hit Cards.

On the subscriber feed for Beyond the Map, Jackson and our good friends Morgan and Josh from Roll for Initiative join Adam for UES Longhouse as they explore the depths of Europa in the year 2097.

Sanspants Classics+

SUaS Classic returns with the groundbreaking episode Milg but also Milton! Where the gang has an in depth discussion about Miltons and some absolute wild takes about uncles.

Thanks for listening and join us next month for more of the same xx o

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