The Month that Was April on Sanspants+

Posted: May 1, 2024 by Joel Zammit

Daddy’s still tired, but it really, truly never ends. So here’s a round up of all the ‘sodes that were released in April for all you beautiful members and you gorgeous soon to be members xx o.

Bad Brain Boys+

Last month’s Plumbing+ we put on our sleuthing caps by asking What Did Zammit Mean When He Wrote ‘Impossible Voyage’ as a Possible Question? And now this month we finally get to ask Impossible Voyage. (as it was originally written) or Impossible Voyage? (to make it fit with our whole question schtick). 

On What If…? our journey into the great comic books of yesteryear continues with #32 What If There Was No Fantastic Four? Where we look at what we’d do with a lot of dead astronauts who died in strange and confusing ways.

Jackson Baly Spooks America was still on break but as of today it has returned with a beautiful episode about a giant penguin in The Giant Penguin of Clearwater Beach that was 100% the biggest damn bird you ever saw and not a hoax and The Enfield Horror where Jackson and the gang investigate the lesser known Enfield Horror and get into a big argument about shoes and children

This month’s Eye Cramps the hosts have decided that physical media is the way of the future and to celebrate, each host purchased a DVD that caught their eye at second hand stores from all over Victoria. Cinema classics, hidden gems and a vague retelling of Fellowship of the Ring await listeners this month on Op Shop Opportunities.

Baseless Speculation+ 

Baseless Speculation+ is now live where you get all episodes of BS ad free and all future episodes a little early. Jackson has promised he’d finally watch Shang-Chi so expect a sneaky bonus episode of his Based Reaction to a movie that came out almost 3 years ago now. It’s nice to know he’s finally doing his job.

Imagination Adventures+

Another drop of episodes of Once Upon a Time in Vampire Infested Barovia, with subscribers being able to enjoy our slow (or quick?) decent into the Amber Temple. 

On Greyhill, the general public are still waiting week to week, but you get to listen to myself and our good friends Josh Perault and Morgan Conroy from Taking Initiative deal with mostly small town economics in A Desperate Message.

This month on House Rules Miniscule and Fairburn Point, Jackson surprises nobody by describing a TTRPG setting of his own creation where everybody is tiny, and people use cow ghosts to cast magic. Adam, on the other hand, has discovered his old notes for the Ogg Nott city of Fairburn Point, taking Jackson and the listener on a trip down memory lane to see what changed over the years and what stayed the same.

On the subscriber feed for Beyond the Map, Adam is joined by Jackson and Dael Kingsmill for a story of unspeakable horror set off an island in the Caribbean in 1989 in Transport & Acquisitions.

Sanspants Classics+

SUaS Classic is back this month with another episode of Milfs (As Always). Early downloaders of the episode might have noticed it was called Mills. Which was clearly rude censorship from big internet who don’t want you to know about the wonders of milfs under the guise of autocorrect.

Thanks for listening and join us next month for more of the same xx o

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